Sunday, February 13, 2022

Road Trip!

Does anyone look forward to 12 hrs in the car? It's a little cool for the motorcycle (still below freezing).
I'm not certain that I would say that I'm looking forward to it, but I am not dreading it. I am going to enjoy the alone time through the vast emptiness of Kansas.
It's been a week of people exposure -- maybe not too much, but way more than I've become accustomed to. I've actually been out of the house and around people 4 of the last 5 days. It's like I'm becoming a freaking social butterfly! Or maybe more like a moth that's about to fly into the flame. In any case, it's time to pull up and retreat.

I'll listen to some music, maybe listen to a podcast, make a phone call or two, and mostly drive in the quiet with the highway noise in the background. I should pull into Colorado Springs around midnight and begin a week long visit with our daughter and her critters.

How do you spend your time on the road?
I haven't used audio books because I enjoy reading. I have listened to a few podcasts in the past, but mostly I'm not that cool. I heard there is a big football game today. Maybe I'll find it on the radio and listen for a little while. By this time tomorrow morning I should be fully recharged and ready to interact with a few people if necessary.

Time to get moving.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Back in the days of work, I drove to Dallas many times for training. It was an 11 hour plus drive with two 20 minute stops for gas and food. I did have a tape deck in the car but kept myself busy looking for new radio stations when the one I was listening to faded away.