Thursday, May 14, 2020

First World Plans

It seems a little weird to be looking out over our small acreage and thinking of how to utilize it to become more self sufficient and less dependent on others. Although we didn't build with solar power, we do have plans to convert to it. We have a shared well (three homes) for water and a septic system. We use propane gas for our furnace, stove and fireplace.

I'm not going all doomsday prepper or anything, but I would like to utilize the land to grow our own food and learn how to preserve it. I would like to be more energy aware and utilize the sun (and wind) for electricity. We'll still need LP gas for heating and cooking and gasoline for the cars so we're not thinking we'll be off grid isolationists or anything; just maybe a little less dependent on the social system than we have been.
With all of the technology that is available, with large corporate farms, giant grocery stores, and the societal infrastructure to support it all, it feels a little primitive to be thinking of working around the system. Also, there is the awareness that I actually have the privilege of choice in the matter.

For now, I'm just thinking. It may turn out that I continue to embrace the leisure provided by the system and my good retirement. I'll sit in the morning sun, drink my good coffee and dream of being productive.


1 comment:

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Good luck with your plans, John. And drink a second cup of coffee for inspiration.