Sunday, March 15, 2020

Social Distancing

Social distancing is right up my alley. Over the past few years, I've spent a great deal of time in this new practice. I've also managed to get myself entangled in a few regular group gatherings. (Ugh! Even typing out those words makes a part of me cringe.) Unfortunately, volunteer service rarely takes place in a social distance friendly environment.

This morning I'll be watching the online broadcast of The Venues weekly worship as the church is complying with county's health request to cancel all activities where 250 people or more will be gathered in one place. That's probably the responsible thing to do. I don't know if the smaller gathering of our midweek bar church will be cancelled or not.

It would probably make people uncomfortable if I was out and about today, anyway. My normal spring allergies have kicked in and I've been doing a fair amount of coughing from post nasal drip, as well as frequent sniffling and nose blowing. I'm pretty certain that it's nothing more than that. I don't meet the criteria for Corona virus testing so maybe I'll just stay away from people for a short while.

I imagine that I'll encounter a few more people on the walking trail today. During the week I can walk several miles with only seeing one or two other walkers. It's one of the perks of retirement.

Truthfully, I will miss seeing many of my church friends today.
But I am willing to isolate myself for the good of the general public!

Keep your distance,

1 comment:

Mike said...

I have to go to the grocery store today and my bubble boy suit hasn't arrived yet.