Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Books -- What are you reading?

I don't know if I have any wisdom to share with you on this Wednesday morning. I don't feel like searching my saved memes for something and I can't come up with something clever and wise to just pull Out of My Hat. (See what I did there?)

Let's talk books!
What are you reading?

The fiction book I'm working through on my Kindle app is The Bootlegger's Friend by Clare Blando. It's about mob controlled bootlegging during prohibition times. It's an easy read and interesting enough to keep my interest. I might need to set it aside some so that I can finish my current non-fiction book from the library since I have a requested book that just arrived and they are holding for me.
The book I'm reading is Richard Rohr's Falling Upward. I'm still in the first half and find his overall premise of two halves of life similar to what I've expressed as our two lives -- physical and spiritual. I am a little put off by the negative characterizations of the first half, but get that a poorly based life can be responsible for many of the problems of society. I've noticed this sweeping general stereotyping in Rohr's books in the past and need to see beyond it and to be careful about using it in my own writing.
I need to finish it this weekend so I can pick up my next non-fiction read -- Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh. I have a feeling it's a book I'll want to own, but I'll start with the library's copy.

What are you reading?



Mike said...

I've bought a couple of books recently. They're sitting right next to my chair. One of these days...

Bilbo said...

I’m reading “The Toxic Spell Dump,” by Harry Turtledove. A fun, satirical alternative reality story .