Monday, March 09, 2020

Rainy Monday; random thoughts

It's a rainy Monday in the Ozarks and I took full advantage of my retirement status by sleeping late. I'm not sure that's the correct term since I generally just sleep until I'm finished. This morning I didn't finish until 8:30.

Today is the day I begin my rotation as chaplain at Mercy in Aurora. I missed last month's rotation due to Dad's passing away. It's too bad it's raining today. Most days I'll be riding the bike. Today I'll be driving.

I know I'm not going to get miles of walking in at the small, regional hospital so I'm hoping for a break in the rain to get my 10,000 steps in. I've been posting my daily step counts on my other blog since March 1. Although I missed one day last week, I managed enough steps to top 70,000 for the week. Looks like I may need to hit the mall with the other retirees or pace the hallways of the apartment building today. I could make this an off day, but it looks like there are more rainy days in the forecast for the week.

It looks like the Corona virus has made its way to Missouri via a student that spent time in Northern Italy. After receiving confirmation of the infection, family members violated the self-quarantine by attending a school dance. That's pretty damn irresponsible when it comes to a virus that can be spread without symptoms.
The infected student hasn't been named but she came into the country through O'Hare airport in Chicago and traveled to St. Louis via Amtrak.
Meanwhile, a friend is stuck on a cruise ship off the coast of California and others have travel plans that they may be reconsidering. If you are traveling and on regular medications, I'd suggest bringing extra meds. I doubt that people on the cruise ship thought to bring another weeks worth of meds and it's already been an additional six days with no apparent plan for docking and offloading passengers to some other quarantined area.

Try to stay away from people this week.
Wash your hands often.
Stay healthy.


1 comment:

Mike said...

I never thought about the med problem on the cruise ships. That would be a problem as I'm sure the cruise line could give a flying &%*# about them.