Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Watching vs Reading

Watching a TV drama series isn't really that much different from reading, is it?
Sure, reading takes a little more imagination since you have to come up with your own mental imagery, but is it really that different?

I've started watching a few series shows every now and then. I do find them enjoyable, but they seem to be more of a mental break than I get from reading a book. I find that books (even sort of boring ones) are much more engaging than watching movies or shows. I feel like our society in general would rather be entertained than engaged in thought or simply learn something. 
It could be that I haven't been conditioned to learn through video as much as it is used today. 

I am back to enjoying fiction books. For a while I was only reading to learn, not reading to escape or be entertained. I am enjoying them. They are good entertainment and I often wonder about the characters and how the authors develop them. Movies and TV dramas move along quite a bit faster and I never really think about the character development. 

Maybe easy is just our thing. It's easier to watch than it is to read just like it's easier to watch an athletic event than it is to know, athletic. Listening to music is okay, but watching a band is entertaining.
Maybe it isn't about easy. Maybe it's about being entertained.
It's weird that I feel a little lazy after watching a couple of hour long shows, but I feel like I've accomplished something after reading for the same amount of time.

Are you more of a watcher or reader?
Maybe a little of each?
Maybe neither?


1 comment:

Mike said...

My reading is done on the computer for the most part. And it fits right into my lifestyle. I have subscriptions to a few magazines. Magazine articles are just right for my attention span. Sort of like Readers Digest.