Wednesday, October 26, 2022

To magic or not to magic?

As a part of cleaning up and organizing our basement storage area, I started going through my stuff to determine what to keep and store and what to get rid of. Admittedly, the magic is tough. It's a pretty limited market when it comes to selling the stuff and I really don't have any contacts in the field any more. I'm sure that I can do a little research and find an internet market for magic stuff, if that's what I decide to do.

Performing again would be fun, but it would have to be a whole new act and new audiences since my previous show was geared toward church groups and I've pretty much burned those bridges. Also, performing magic takes a lot of practice, not just in performing the effects, but also in the flow of the show. It's way too much to undertake if you don't have the gigs lined up and I've never really worked on marketing magic since I had a lock on that market in evangelical churches. Between preaching and magic I stayed as busy as I wanted to be with holding down the full-time ATC gig.

That said, it was fun going through stuff today and I really only made it through a small portion of my stuff. Maybe I could begin with working on a few pocket effects that I've used in small walk-around gigs. It might be nice just to have a few things to perform--just for fun. Maybe I could build towards a stand-up show or look for walk-around gigs. I could book a two-fer - Marrying and Magic! You get a preacher to perform the ceremony and a magician to entertain the guests while waiting for the couple to arrive at the reception!

Or I could book resort shows and work during future trips to Mexico.
Maybe I can sell some of it, keep some of it that I might be able to use, and either play for free or book a few shows every now and then.
What will probably happen is I'll get it somewhat organized and safely stored so the kids can throw it all out when I finally kick the proverbial bucket.




Mike said...

I'll give you $5 for that magic $20 bill.

Unknown said...

The old manager of T75 Tracon Timothy Shegitz was into Magic. He may want some of your stuff or know someone that does.