Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What if ... ?

What would happen if we stopped looking to partisan politics to address our nation's issues and looked to God for answers?

How would we care for immigrants that are fleeing from horrific conditions and seeking a better life for themselves and their families?

How would we deal with a health care system that often bankrupts families or denies treatment or medication based on an ability to pay?

How would we treat people that are different from us in race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.?

How would we address the care of our environment?

What if we stopped listening to those that stand to gain financially or in power and influence and simply looked to science, logic and compassion for answers?
I realize this question is a little different than the one at the beginning of this post, but I believe that God gives us science (it is the study of his creation), logic (the ability to reason and think for ourselves), and compassion (the ability to see suffering).

I also realize that solutions often cost us in the way of time and money. We are a prosperous nation and we have the resources. It really just comes down to whether or not we are willing to spend them to help others or if we will continue to hoard them so that only a few benefit.

Caring for the least of our society and taking care of the planet shouldn't be politically divisive.
It shouldn't be the Democratic thing, nor the Republican thing.
It shouldn't be the Christian thing, nor the non-Christian thing.
It shouldn't be the straight thing, nor the LBGTQ+ thing.
Caring for each other and our world is simply the right thing.
Why can't we do it?

And don't tell me that we all want to do it, but just disagree on how to do it.
That simply isn't true. There are too many self-righteous, pompous, narcissistic people that just want more for themselves at the expense of others. And there are too many people that blindly follow because of political affiliation rather than speaking against what is unjust and speaking for what is right.

I believe we can do this.
I believe we can overcome our divisive political environment and do what is right.
Maybe I'm just too naive.

John <><

1 comment:

Cloudia said...

You are a source of blessings to the world! Keep radiating God's love and wisdom <3