Tuesday, April 09, 2019

How do you get to heaven from your church?

I don't think that you can use Google Maps to get to heaven, but if you could -- Google would need to know where you are before it could plan your route. This isn't something that we take into consideration as we share the Good News. We assume that everyone is starting at the same place and traveling the same road and will follow the one way to get to Jesus. We have a one-size-fits-all kind of mentality when it comes to our religious beliefs.

Jesus met people where they were and guided them along The Way. We should probably consider a similar approach. If we approach an atheist with "You need Jesus or you'll burn in hell," you probably won't have a lot of success. He doesn't believe in hell and he doesn't know Jesus. Would you follow someone that you don't know and trust?

There are two similar stories found in the Bible about encounters where Jesus is asked, "What must I do to have eternal life?" It's a little weird that Jesus doesn't give the same answer. One person is well versed in Hebrew law and so Jesus responds with, "You're a lawyer. What does the Law say? How do you read it?"
The man responds, "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself."
Jesus says, "That's it! Do that and you'll be okay!"
But then the man wants to know, "Who is my neighbor?"
Jesus helps him with the parable of the good Samaritan and teaches him that even people that don't love us back are our neighbors. The man had the head knowledge, but no love for his neighbor. Jesus was telling him, "You know the right answers, but you need to learn to love."

The second man was a rich young man that asked Jesus the same question. Jesus said, "Obey the commandments."
The rich man asked, "Which ones?"
Jesus just named a few of the Big 10, "Don't murder. Don't commit adultery. Don't steal or lie. Honor your father and mother."
"I've done all of that since my youth," the man replied. "Is there anything else?"
Jesus told him his stuff was getting in between him and eternity. The man loved his wealth more than he loved God and more than he loved others. Jesus told him that he needed to sell all of his stuff and give the money to the poor. And then -- follow Jesus.

What is the most important thing in your life?
Material possessions?
Power or influence?

If anything is more important than your love for God; if anything is more important than your love for others -- How would Jesus answer you?

Jesus didn't tell either man that he had to give his heart to him. Jesus didn't say, "You have to trust me as your Savior."
Jesus answered each man in a way that recognized where they were in their understanding of God and guided them toward the path that would get them to where they wanted to go.

Maybe we need to find out where people are before we try to shortcut them towards heaven.
How do we get to heaven from where we are?
I'm working on it. I'm following this guide named Jesus. If you want to walk with me, come along. I'd be happy for the company.

If you want to go fast, go alone. 
If you want to go far, go together.  --African proverb

John <><

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