Saturday, March 15, 2025

Face Time

Early on Thursday, March 20th, the earth will cross that celestial line that marks the spring equinox for the northern hemisphere. For the past few years, it has also marked the date when I shave off my winter beard. Right now I kind of like my beard and mustache and am debating on whether I'll shave it, trim it, or wait a little longer since there are still some cold weather nights ahead.

I have to admit that there is something satisfying about shaving off the winter face with a straight edge razor. It's a little tricky since I am definitely out of practice with the straight razor. In the past I have used the straight razor for a first pass and then cleaned up with a safety razor. I'm not sure why, it just feels like the right thing to do.
I've never really felt compelled to shave daily and probably won't through the spring and summer months, but neither have I felt some attachment or identity in having a big beard. Maybe I'll end up shaving it off a few days early. I'm comfortable either way.

And really -- being comfortable with yourself and your look is what's important, right?
Or maybe you are more interested in dressing or looking a certain way to please others. I guess that's okay, too. Personally, I am way past the point of feeling like I need to impress or please others. I can dress up and be comfortable when the occasion warrants it, or I can be comfortable in shorts, a t-shirt, and barefoot. I'm pretty much the same, easy going person either way.

I'm not sure why I am thinking about shaving this morning; maybe it's time.
Neither am I sure why I'm writing about it. I guess I just felt like writing something this morning. It's like self-talk but with a keyboard.

I hope that you are comfortable with who you are.
Have a grand weekend.
I am ready for spring!


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