Friday, March 14, 2025

3 Rs -- Reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic

As I am doing more reading, I am doing less writing. I don't think I can do less arithmetic. 
I really am liking my little Kindle reader, much more than I expected I would. 
At the beginning of the year I set a very modest and attainable goal of reading just two books per month for a total of 24 books for the year. I'd say I read fiction to non-fiction at around 4 to 1. 
I am currently way ahead of pace and should probably adjust my total to somewhere in the 40-50 books for the year. I am also at about 1 to 1 on the fiction/non-fiction right now.

I rarely pay for books anymore. I make good use of my Kindle Unlimited subscription (I guess that's kind of paying for books), I use free e-book sites, and I use our local public library for both printed books and e-books. Our small library is still pretty limited on available e-books and often has a long waiting list for newer releases. 

Doing less writing

Yeah, I'm not really sure how I feel about that. 
I enjoy writing, but rarely feel the motivation to do it these days. I'm not sure if it's the bullshit political environment and the general decline of human decency in the US or if it is something else that has me in a writer's funk. Maybe my personal isolation is shifting into my blogging world and I have less motivation to be seen here, as well.
I thought the regular weekly posts like Monday Meditation, Wednesday Wisdom, and Thursday Theology might force me to write or at least post regularly, but that doesn't really seem to be the case anymore. Oftentimes, I'm sure it has to do with changing and poorly defined thoughts that I am not yet ready to put into words. And sometimes, there just are no words to express my frustration or outrage with people and processes.

Doing less math

It's pi day! 
That's my math contribution for the day (or the week, or maybe for the whole month)!

I think I'll add a 4th R -- resting
I'm good at that one!


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