Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Theology

Honestly, I sometimes read the bible from my current perspective and wonder how I ever could have read it any other way. I read this week's gospel passage in the lectionary schedule and all I can see is how religion is once again used to justify inaction.

You should probably read it for yourself -- Mark 2:23-3:6.

If you've ever wondered how someone can go from preacher boy to non-religious, it pretty much comes down to today's religious community being too similar to the religious community of Jesus' day. Where Jesus used love and compassion to guide his actions, religion used rules and laws. Where love says you can, religion says you can't.
Not much has changed in 2,000 years, even for those that claim to follow Jesus. It's why I refrain from identifying as a Christian. Most Christians don't seem to be very Christ-like.

Today there are even communities that pass laws that make it illegal to give water, food, or money to people that are in need. These aren't religions making rules, these are governments making laws.
How have we become so unloving as a people? How has letting this happen in our communities become so normal?
Wouldn't it be better if Love became our normal response instead of rules (religion).

I want to share a story about one of my friends -- one of my people.
He found himself on the governing board of his homeowners association and there was a particular lot in their subdivision that was badly neglected. The person living there was renting and neither the renter nor the homeowner was responding to letters to take care of the property and clean up the mess. While they were discussing what action they should take against the responsible parties, my friend suggested that maybe they just need some help. He said that where he goes to church (The Venues) they teach that we should love our neighbors and help them when needed. 
And so he and some others that he recruited went and took care of the property.
That is why he is one of my people!
That is what following Jesus looks like!

I know that loving your neighbor can be difficult. Sometimes it's hard work. Maybe that's why we make rules and religions so we don't have to.
What if we just let love be our guide?
What if we really asked ourselves -- What Would Jesus Do (WWJD)?


1 comment:

Cloudia said...

I couldn't agree with you more! What happened to the simple words of Jesus that touch us so deeply? It's all becoming about politics and meanness and I'm out. God bless you Aloha