Wednesday, April 10, 2024


I have come to believe that each of us has an energy field that surrounds us and is ours. Each person's energy has its own type of frequency or identifying characteristic. Sometimes those frequencies blend well with others -- these people are our closest friends. Sometimes they do not and we just don't feel as comfortable around those people. Some even set off a kind of energy alarm and we know that field is toxic to us.

I also believe that we transfer or share energy when we interact with one another. Sometimes we give our energy, sometimes we are in need of energy -- either from others or from regenerating our own.
Some people always have energy to give.
Some people are energy thieves -- taking energy without permission. You know, the people that seem to zap the life out of you just by their presence.

I think that touch is the best way to transfer that life force -- a pat on the back, an arm across the shoulders, a hug.
One person with an abundance of life force.
One person with a need.
Both are comforted and better for the sharing.

The best is when neither has a real need and we can just share with each other. That is a kind of intimate energy gift that we give to one another.

My Wednesday Wisdom gift -- Hug someone today.


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