Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Morning Contemplation

The other morning (a week or so ago) it occurred to me that I really haven't had a good meditation session in quite some time. I suppose that such things need to be planned out and scheduled just like physical exercise. Planning and scheduling aren't listed in my strong suits.

I still have my daily quiet time, but it isn't very structured and purposeful meditation hasn't been a part of it for some time.  Most mornings are spent just listening to nature and watching the hummingbirds at the feeder. I make my connection to God through creation. It's not exactly prayer time, but it works for me.
I believe that mindfulness practices are beneficial -- both as physical and mental/spiritual practices. 

Some time ago I wrote about sharing meditative practices and haven't really done that. Maybe if I did a weekly post -- Monday Meditation -- or something, it would keep me more focused and also provide a mindfulness reminder for some others. 
I have no research to support this opinion, but I don't believe that mindfulness or regular meditative practices are very common in the western world. 

Do any of you have a regular (or even irregular) meditative practice?
It can be anything from dedicated prayer time to mental contemplation on a long distance run.
Where do you get your mental rest? ...your focus? 
Where do you find your peace?



Mike said...

"Where do you find your peace?"
Sitting back and listening to music on the computer.

John A Hill said...

Mike, I generally use my phone, but yeah, that works for me too.