Saturday, September 09, 2023

I wish people knew...

"What simple fact do you wish more people understood?"
That's the gratitude journal prompt for the day.

Facts can be tricky things and are generally based on perspective. I'm not sure I know what a simple fact is or looks like. I could certainly share my perspectives on what I perceive to be simple facts, but I don't know if I really want people to be as cynical as I am.

I guess I would want people to know that they matter, that they are important.
I really don't know how to go about convincing them when they may have been told by so many others that they are not important or simply ignored by society, friends, and even family. Truthfully, I sit here on my deck most of the time completely oblivious to those that are oppressed and ignored by society. I suppose that I am as much a part of the problem as anyone. 
Maybe that's not even a fact -- maybe it's just my opinion. Surely there are others that would claim that certain segments of our population don't matter. We see that everyday.

Maybe the thing I would want people to know is that opinions are not facts.
That might make all of us examine what we truly believe and base our lives and decisions on.

"What simple fact do you wish more people understood?"


1 comment:

Mike said...

"opinions are not facts"