Thursday, September 01, 2022

Unusual Week

Tomorrow will be the third morning this week that I am out of my normal routine.
Typically I sleep until I'm finished and then have my coffee and quiet time on the deck before doing anything else, even if that something else is doing nothing.

Tuesday was a morning call to visit the hospital (it's my week of Chaplain duties). Today was time with my sister who overnighted here on her way to see Mom. And tomorrow will be a morning coffee meet with a friend to catch up on what is going on in each other's lives, followed by the noon interment of a friend's ashes at MO Veterans' Cemetery.

Those are all fine and good things to come out of routine for. It's just a little weird for it to happen in the same week and I feel a little discombobulated. Nothing bad, just a little out of rhythm. 
Between preaching the past two Sundays, chaplaining this week, and serving as minister at the interment tomorrow, I'd say it's time to re-evaluate and get back to the full time retirement gig!
I've about exceeded my annual quota of people-ing and it's only September 1st!

It won't be too long before cold weather shelter time is upon us, so I may have to expand my people-ing time in the coming months.

     *****     *****     *****

New subject
In an earlier post I asked about favorite Bible stories, but only received a handful of responses. I'm kind of hoping for a similar response to today's question.

What are your hard questions when considering the Bible?
God of judgment and destruction vs. God of love and mercy?
Is Genesis for real and how old is the earth?
Are miracles real?
What about angels?

What are your "shake your head" or "I just don't get it" parts of the Bible?



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