Sunday, December 02, 2018

Yep! It's December!

The weather forecast for the Ozarks shows the nighttime lows dipping below the freeze line for the coming week and the daytime highs in the mid to upper 30s with a couple of breaks into the 40s.
Fortunately, the only precipitation will come in the form of rain on one of those warmer days.

It's a cloudy Sunday morning as I enjoy my coffee and quiet time. I don't usually get as much morning time on Sunday, but it looks as though Chris has decided to sleep later today and we'll end up at late church.

I'm in a good place on the church front; back to really looking forward to Sunday mornings and any time I'm with people from The Venues.
There's a saying that says a rising tide lifts all ships. That's how I feel at The Venues. I feel like I'm a better person because I'm with better people. If I hang around with them, I get to benefit from their reputation as a loving community. Hopefully I'll learn enough about how to be like them before they realize what a jerk I can be.

I'll try to keep Ugly John locked away for the time being and continue to refrain from posting bad stuff on my social media. It's a little scary living with such a beast inside -- especially when you decide on additional restrictions (like no negative posts). That anger seems to always find a way out.
I'd say that yoga and peaceful meditation would help, but I've recently learned that's of the devil, so...

Have a grand December!
John <><

1 comment:

Mike said...

It's 20 degrees cooler today than it was yesterday. Still, 50 degrees is not a bad temp for today.