Sunday, May 18, 2014

Back in Missouri

We are on the road and heading home. I am ready for the comfort of my own bed and the room that our humble dwelling affords us. We've been two nights in a hotel in St Augustine FL, two nights in a St Louis hotel and seven nights in a nice suite at the Bavaro Princess in the Dominican Republic.

It's been nice, but I'm ready for home.

I'll need to get some laundry going so that I have something to wear to work this week and get back to regular eating and exercise. Tomorrow morning's weigh-in could be interesting. In any case, I still have almost two weeks to the end of the month and the completion of my one year of more healthy living.

I think I'm ready to up the intensity of my workouts--a little more fat burning on some days and a little more strength building on others. I'll probably do that the way I've done most things this year--slowly, maybe just one or two days a week to start and then build through year two.

Back to real life.
At least it's a good life.

John <><


Bilbo said...

Welcome home! Glad you had such a good time. We've never been to the Dominican Republic, but we did make wonderful cruise stops in Costa Rica, Aruba, and numerous other places. I could live in Costa Rica after retiring, I think!

John A Hill said...

Yeah, Costa Rica is on my list of places to visit.