Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Cooler days ahead

The calendar has moved on to September and the temps are down to turn-off-the-A/C-and-open-the=windows temperatures. With the overnight lows dipping below 60f (15c) it makes for good sleeping temps. I do like the windows open and the feel of fresh air. Although I spend many pretty warm days sitting on the deck, time out here is more comfortable in the 70s (low 20s c).

I slacked off on my reading in the past week or so. I think I read seven books in the first three weeks of August and have really struggled to sit and read since then. I'm back now, but it will be a slower pace as I'm reading two non-fiction, kind of educational books and that's a different reading pace for me. I have a couple more non-fictions on my list so September's reading will likely be fewer books than I've been reading this summer.
I started reading John Barton's A History of the Bible: The Book and its Faiths last month, but wasn't really getting into it. I've picked it up again and am reading it a little bit at a time. 
I also started Richard Rohr's new book, Jesus' Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount. 
The first is an actual paper and ink book, Rohr's is on my phone's Kindle app.

What are you reading?


1 comment:

Mike said...

Yep, nothing like opening the windows to let the sounds from outside in. The buzz of traffic on I270. The ambulances and fire trucks on their way to the nearby hospital. The barking dog next door. Maybe I'll come and move next door to you! No wait! You're deep in the bible belt. I think I'll stay on my little liberal island.