Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday Wisdom: follow your gut

I've slacked off on the blogging lately -- no Thursday Theology or Monday Meditation posts in a while.
Sometimes it was because my morning routine was disrupted. Usually it was because I just didn't feel like it. I find that happening more frequently.

I sometimes think I should write even when I don't really feel like it, but following my gut has been a good move in the past, so I'm sticking with it.
Right now my gut is telling me that the political silence that I've tried to maintain here at Out of My Hat has come to an end (at least temporarily). There is more than Democrat vs Republican policy at stake in this 2024 election cycle. The thing that is holding me back is that I don't expect that a blog from some guy with a few dozen followers will have much of a positive impact on anybody, especially since most of my readers are pretty like-minded. 
I guess we'll see.

Currently, I am feeling pretty good about the level of energy around the coming election. I am hoping that the electricity found in the Harris/Walz campaign will have long coattails and bring in a House majority and a greater Senate majority, as well. The Democrats in the cities of St Louis and Kansas City aren't enough to counter the large GOP dominated rural areas of Missouri, and I am essentially a blue dot in a red sea here in Highlandville MO. I don't expect VP Harris to win Missouri, but I am hopeful for a strong enough showing to help Lucas Kunce defeat Josh Hawley in the senate race.
I am still disappointed and saddened by the number of people that are willing to tolerate the racist, xenophobic behavior of the former president and his allies. 

Republicans have generally dominated the support from military families, but their candidate has referred to our military personnel as suckers and losers. He has ignored advice from his ranking Generals and called them stupid when their advice didn't mesh with his desires. Maybe he has alienated enough of the veterans in rural Missouri to make a difference. 

It is unfortunate that the one group of followers that don't seem to be turned off by any of his radically hateful behaviors is the power hungry group of evangelicals. Although he is the most anti-Christian behaving person I can think of, this group of religious fundamentalists see him as the only hope of establishing a national theocracy with themselves as the powerful leading religion.
Funny, but I haven't found the "hate your neighbor" verses in the bible that they seem to follow.

One reason I don't like to write about this stuff is that it starts to really piss me off, and I am finding that I am now banging on the computer keyboard much harder than I was when I started this post. I give anger very little space in my world. I should take a page from the Harris/Walz campaign and be more joyful about the race, focusing on the good that will come.

I'm hopeful.
How are you feeling?



Mike said...

"Maybe he has alienated enough of the veterans in rural Missouri to make a difference. "
One can only hope.

Bilbo said...

Speaking as a veteran, I cannot for the life of me understand how any of my fellows could possibly support a creature like Der Furor.

Anonymous said...

Another blue dot here😍 I call myself a Truman democrat. No one here knows what that means so the discussion is short. I am still appalled that republicans have totally lost their integrity! I’m sure there are some sane folks left, presently just saving their breath until the orangers are gone. We can hope, take care of you.

Anonymous said...
