Monday, August 12, 2024

64 years, 2 months

Today is a new day and a new experience. Unfortunately, it's not really a good one. It's not unexpected, but it's not good.

I had my annual physical this morning and I am now, for the first time, on a daily prescribed medication. 
As the weight has slowly piled on, my blood pressure has been slowly creeping upwards. Perhaps the daily dose of medication will do more than just reduce the high blood pressure. Perhaps it will inspire me to get off my otherwise fairly healthy fat ass and finally lose some of this weight. I'd like to be able to drop the weight, lower the BP naturally, and do away with the prescription. I have a follow up appointment in 6 months. 
While high blood pressure isn't inevitable for all of us, the simple truth is that nearly half of US adults have it. It's not surprising when you consider that about 43% of US adults are obese. It's time I work to bring my part of those stats down.

On the plus side -- I've got good insurance and the meds come out to just pennies per day. 

Happy Monday


1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm not obese. I'm defensive tackle size.