Monday, February 26, 2024

It''s Spring -- almost

I hate to wish my life away looking for the future to rush in, but I am ever hopeful and waiting for spring/summer to arrive. We have had some wonderful days for late February in the Ozarks this winter, but we aren't yet finished with cold weather.
This is the forecast for tomorrow and the coming week:

That's a 60 degree (15c) difference between the high and low tomorrow!

Upper 70s today, 80 tomorrow, and down to 20 tomorrow night!
Then back into the mid 70s for the weekend.

My mindful practice helps me to leave the past behind me and keeps me from spending too much time hoping for what is yet to come. So I'll focus on today, even while preparing for tomorrow.

Today I will work on starting some plants for our flower gardens and maybe starting a few veggies, as well.
Sometime soon I need to get the arm on my tiller fixed so that I can add a little space for more sunflowers. I am also adding a native grass and wildflower area to a section of the field that will be food for the pollinators and will reduce my mowing area.

I'm going to do some container gardening this year so I need to get those prepared to accept the seedlings that I'll be starting today. I should have plenty of work to keep me outdoors and busy for the coming month. It's amazing that it will be March before the week is over.
Working in the dirt and being out in the sun is good for my soul, as well as for my physical well being. It is more beneficial than any meditation practice and connects me to nature and nature's Creator. 

What is your favorite way or practice to be well grounded?
How do you connect to the world around you?

It's weird to me that although the Bible teaches that we (people) are created in God's image, I find it much easier to connect with God through the part of creation that isn't other humans. 
And that makes me wonder -- Can others see God's image in me?
That may be something I need to work on.


1 comment:

Mike said...

Batten down the hatches tomorrow night.