Monday, June 12, 2023

No Monday Motivation

It's Monday morning and I am sitting in a beautiful garden coffee shop in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta. In the week that I've been here, I have realized that life isn't much different for me. I'm just retired in a different place.

Sure -- there are different places to go and different foods to eat, but I basically just read, relax, scroll the internet, smoke cigars, etc. I do enjoy having a pool and will have to up my efforts to convince Chris of getting one at home, but basically life isn't too different. 
I feel a little bit bad that I am not really motivated to do a lot of touristy kind of adventures. I'm pretty content to stroll along the beach or sit next to the rooftop pool in relative peace and quiet. And by quiet, I mean the kind of quiet in my head that says all is well. There are certainly plenty of sounds to actually hear, but most of that is just background cacophony to the calm feeling of a good life.

I would still love to move to Mexico. I have since our first visit here many years ago. I would love to be free of the political noise of the US and the constant divisiveness of the society. I don't understand why everything has to be an us against them situation.
However, I am learning to be content with my place in life and the urge to move is actually less strong than it once was. That's not to say that I wouldn't move here in a heartbeat; it's just not as much of a desire as it once was. 

So not only am I feeling little motivation on this Monday. I'm also feeling like I don't really need or want any motivation. I am content to enjoy the moment, the day, the present.



Mike said...

Move to Mexico? Really? Land of the drug lords and kidnappers of Americans. Would Chris pay a million dollars to get you back? Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. 😄

John A Hill said...

It's pretty safe away from the border or drug trafficking routes. The resort towns rely on tourism for their economy and are kept pretty safe. I think the kids are way safer here than living in Chicago or even St Louis or Springfield MO.