Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Bah! Humbug!

I'm not sure when I became such a Scrooge about Christmas time, but it has been some time since I've really felt like celebrating the season of Christmas. Due to financial losses from a pandemic year, retailers have been having "Black Friday" sales for several weeks already. Although I'm not a big fan of Christmas shopping I do enjoy giving gifts. 
As far as receiving gifts goes, I'm the easy guy. A bag of good coffee beans, a decent cigar, a few minutes spent over a beer or cup of coffee--these are the things that make me happy. 

I guess I'm just not a fan of a Christmas that hasn't really been about Christ for a long time. I know that we say it is and we make our efforts at remembering the birth of Jesus, but face it -- Christmas without all of the pageantry and parties would be a far greater travesty than a Christmas without the religious part. And I think that's true for most hard core Christians, too. 
Even for the people that say it's about family and getting together with loved ones -- well, that's kind of in the crapper this year, right?

I'm also curious how we're going to handle this year's War on Christmas. With Donnie's defeat in the election, do liberals have to wait until next year or can they start now? Or does Melania's "fuck Christmas" quote put an end to it and we can all agree that too much forced decoration and celebration is deserving of such a sentiment. 

If you are surprised at my ambivalence towards the coming season, you don't know me well. 
If this facet of the curmudgeonly old man disturbs you, then send some Christmas cheer my way (bourbon would be nice, cookies are acceptable).
I hope your holiday season is one of celebration, reflection, or misery -- whatever you want it to be.
As for me, I hope to spend some quiet afternoons on the deck with a cigar, a drink, a book, and some peaceful contemplation about where I fit into the Universe.



Mike said...

Do you celebrate Jesus' birthday in October when it really is? Do you know the exact date?!

John A Hill said...

There has been much speculation on the time of year or actual date of Jesus's birth. It's funny that it wasn't considered an important thing for a few hundred years, but we think it somehow matters now.