Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Motivation -- VOTE

It is just eight days until election day!
Already, nearly sixty million voters have cast their ballots with democrats outnumbering republicans nearly 2 to 1 in early voting. Chris and I voted last week.

If you live in Southwest MO and need a ride to the polls on Tuesday, let me know. I am available to help.
If you know of someone that needs a way to vote, help them out if you can.

I'm pretty certain that Missouri will cast its collective electoral votes for Trump. It is red enough that we haven't endured political rallies or ads in great number from either party.
The days that follow November 3rd will be interesting. As much bluster as there has been from the fringe right, I really don't anticipate an armed uprising if Trump loses. I do acknowledge the possibility of protests and pockets of violence from demonstrators on either side should their candidate lose, but am hopeful that the vast majority of Americans will be accepting of the vote. 

Either way, Wednesday morning will come, people will go to work, school, etc., and life will go on.

My Monday Motivational encouragement for this week is just a simple reminder to guard your peace in this coming week.

Choose your battles wisely.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I love the meme.