Wednesday, January 01, 2020

It's 2020

Other than turning the page of the calendar, I'm not really sure what that means. Oh sure, then new year gives us the opportunity for reflection and for goal setting, but let's face it -- it's really just another day and nothing really changes with the rising of the sun on Jan 1, 2020.

Just as the changes and growth of 2019 were gradual and barely discernible on a daily basis, I expect the same will hold true for 2020. Chris and I are still adjusting to her retirement. I don't expect to really settle into a routine until our house is finished and we get moved into it in early March.

I've been thinking about friendships and relationships lately. I have few close friends. I don't really consider that to be a problem. Maybe I should. I wrote about friends several years ago. If you're new to Out of My Hat or just want a refresher, you can read that post here.

Friendships can be strange.
Recently, I reconnected with an old friend. We are very different people. Our political views are different. Our lifestyles are very different. Our friends and acquaintances are very different. In fact, we have very little in common with one another. A person that knows each of us well would probably never guess that we are friends.

So what is it?
What makes two such different guys connect in a weird bond of mutual respect and brotherly love?
The truth is -- I don't know.
But I've been thinking that I need to keep my eyes open. I know there are others like me -- people with few close friends, or maybe people in need of a friend. In retirement, I've managed to keep my world pretty small. I like it like that. Maybe it's time for a change -- a very gradual change.

Check back with me in a few months.
A seed has been planted, but other than that I expect today to be just another day in the life of John.


Side note: This post has brought several friends to mind. I may write some future posts about the people I call my friends.


Big Sky Heidi said...

Happy New Year, John!

John A Hill said...

Happy New Year, Heidi!
I hope you have a great year!