Saturday, September 14, 2019

Simple Things

I am enjoying my quiet time and coffee this morning. It's been nearly a week since I've had this moment. While I always look forward to this time, I often fail to appreciate just how it helps me get centered and prepared for the day.
I know that I usually do not have a pressing schedule and can easily enjoy a quiet morning. Having been away from home for a few days has reminded me of how much I enjoy the process of brewing a good cup of coffee and savoring it without anything going on around me.

Another of the simple pleasures of life that I often fail to appreciate are conversations with my siblings. Over the past couple of days, I managed to pass some of the time on the road in phone conversations with each of them. (Hands free, of course!)
They really are pretty awesome people.

It always amazes me to hear people talk about poor family relationships. We have our differences, to be sure, and at least one of us has been insensitive enough to cause some hurt feelings from time to time. But the truth is we really do get along. Maybe the fact that we live far apart and don't interact often has something to do with that, or maybe we have just grown up within a truly caring environment.

Although I have always been a contemplative kind of guy, retirement has allowed me to be more purposeful in contemplation. It's weird that one can be grateful for something like early retirement and still take it for granted on most days. I'm going to try to be better about showing appreciation for the things and for the people that bless my life. I'm not sure how outward that will be, but the inward appreciation for the many blessings of life is where it begins.

What are some of the simple pleasures in your life?
Who are the people that bless you with their words or their presence?
Do you ever stop long enough to meditate on the blessings of your life?

I hope that today provides you with a moment of peace, a time of rest, and an attitude of gratitude.

John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Today is a nice, restful day. Best wishes to you, John, for the week!

John A Hill said...

Thank you, Angel!
I wish that you and your family have a great week, as well!