Thursday, September 19, 2019

Searching for God Knows What and other books

I just finished Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller.
It has been a number of years since I read his book, Blue Like Jazz, but I think I like this one better. I'll have to re-read BLJ and see.

Searching for God Knows What really speaks to my current spiritual evolution as I have been purposely moving away from a god of religion to the God of relationships. I really like the way Miller uses analogies of the lifeboat, the circus, and the writings of Shakespeare to explain our thinking about relationship to others and about how God desires a love relationship with us.

It is a good book. You don't have to be a Christian to enjoy Miller's style and stories. He offers some pretty good insights to why humans act the way we do towards others and how that human interaction has corrupted our relationship with God. Conversely, a healthy God relationship benefits our relationships with other people.

On the fiction front I'm reading A Pledge of Silence by Flora J Solomon. I'm just getting started so I can't say much about it. It was one of Kindle's free choices and it sounded interesting. I'll get back to you on that.
Admittedly, the WWII setting of the Japanese invasion of the Philippines was part of the intrigue. Somewhere in my memory is the real life story of a small Filipina child being carried by an American soldier during an evacuation. It is a story that was told by my mom and she was that little girl.

So ...
What are reading?

John <><


Kevin Gilmore said...

I too have been moving away from a god of religion and to a God of relationship. Actually, I've always been about having a relationship with God but I've seen Him through the eyes of the church. I no longer do that because I question much of church doctrine anymore. It's probably best left to discuss over a beer. 🥂

John A Hill said...

I look forward to that discussion some day, Kevin!

Kevin Gilmore said...

Same here, my friend!