Saturday, July 20, 2019

Final Words

I watched a TED Talk where the speaker posed the question, "With how many people that you know have you already had your final conversation?"

Of course, there are people that have died and it could be that your final conversation with them was very emotional and intense. There are those people that enter into our lives for a short season (or maybe for a long season), but that season has passed and they will no longer be a part of our journey. And there are people that we choose to no longer contact or to engage in any way.

But what about all of the others?
What about the people that are still living and we know/see/like/love/etc, but we have somehow just grown apart and moved on without them? What about the people with which we would like to sit down and have one more conversation -- to catch up on their lives, to make amends, to tell them they are loved, to hear their voice, or to sense their presence?

Are we satisfied to have left all of those people without one more conversation?
Will they even remember us or the last conversation we had?
Is that important? us? to them? to anyone?


John <><

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