Thursday, July 25, 2019

At the Movies (and Blogoversary)

It has been thirteen years that I've been posting at Out of My Hat!
Wow! I never imagined that it would be something that I stayed with for so long.

I definitely miss a few of the many blogs that have fallen out of the blogosphere over the years. It's probably not a bad thing. I spend enough time reading the blogs that are still posting and the few others that I've added to my regular reading. Scrolling through blogs and checking social media while enjoying my coffee has become the normal way I begin each day. Occasionally, I find something worth writing about. Many days I just sigh and pass on writing.

A recent rant that has come to mind is -- What has happened to creativity in Hollywood?
There are so many remakes of old movies, sequels to movies, and movies based on old stories or comics.
Are there so few new ideas?
I have to admit that I'm not a big movie fan so I could have it all wrong. It may be that it has always been like this, or it maybe that I'm seeing trailers for a very small segment of the overall industry.
It's just an observation from a non-interested person.

I've been to two movies in the past week -- Yesterday (cute, entertaining, funny story, movies on 60s and 70s performers/music seems to be a new thing) and Lion King (pretty much the same as the animated movie, cute but a waste of money).

If I go to another movie soon, what are your recommendations?
Any recent movies that are no longer "Now Playing" that I should rent or find on a streaming feed?
Tell me why you like it and why I will like it.

John <><

1 comment:

Cloudia said...

Congratulations! Keep posting your thoughts