Saturday, August 31, 2024

Church thoughts

This Saturday morning finds me in the local Starbucks -- local, as in Ozark MO.
I just decided to go out for coffee this morning and this is the nearest coffee shop. It's Saturday morning on Labor Day weekend, so it's pretty quiet in here. There is plenty of activity behind the counter, but most of it for drive through or online orders that dash in for pick-up and then are quickly on their way.
For some unknown reason my Chromebook is not connecting to the wi-fi, so I'm using a hotspot from my phone.

I've been thinking about the church/religion thing lately ... again.
There are certainly things that I miss about regularly attending church. The gathering of like believers and sharing of ideas, experiences, and thoughts is certainly uplifting. However, the whole religious thing is pretty tiresome. 

All-in-all, I'd have to say that church people are among the most fake people I know.
Like most things, that isn't always true, but it seems that church people can be a pretty judgmental bunch and as such, have to guard against being judged themselves by putting on their church masks when they around other church people.

Although I rarely get answers to questions I ask on Out of My Hat, I am truly interested in your thoughts on church/religion.
I don't know if you attend church regularly now, or ever have.
I don't know if you have experienced some kind of church or religious trauma somewhere along the way.
I don't know if you follow any particular religion or denomination within a religion.
I don't know if you feel compelled to share your religion with others or to convince them to follow with you.

But, if you were looking for a church today...
What would it look like?
Maybe not the whole structure, but what things would you really want to see in your church?
A large church with small groups? Or maybe just a small group?
A band with contemporary music? A choir and traditional music? Some sort of blend?
Teaching/preaching from the Bible or holy book? Uplifting message for daily living? No preaching at all?
Or maybe just a place to connect with others that have a similar outlook on life and philosophy of living?

Maybe you are looking for some kind of instruction on how to get to heaven or an explanation of heaven/hell, life/death, or something like that.
Maybe you are looking to connect with God.
Maybe you are looking to connect with people.

What would your church look like?
Who would your church welcome?

I'm curious.



Anonymous said...

I no longer attend church or consider myself a Catholic. I am a believer, of certain things. I believe in God and that Christ was divine. I am hurt that the sacraments are denied me. We had a church we liked in Florida. It was the United Church of Christ where EVERYONE was welcomed. No prejudices. I could do that but the nearest one is too far away.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a practicing Catholic but my spiritual journey took me down a different path. I don’t think I can ever return to an organized religion. It’s become too political and polarizing. I’ve learned everyone’s spiritual path is different, it looks different, feels different, and so the “one-size fits all” approach to worship and faith practice is just not going to cut it, especially this next generation. I think religious practices will have to change to accommodate the needs of the next generation. I think a worship session could look like a yoga session on Sunday mornings. Scriptures can be read and spiritual music can be played that will allow everyone of all faiths to be together and be fulfilled spiritually.

Mike said...

If tRUMP wins, gets dispatched by someone that's a good shot, and Vance is the new president, and he requires everyone to sign up at a church, I'll pick Unitarian Universalism. Everything for everyone.