Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday Theology

¡Buenos días amigos!

Mornings in Mazatlan have been cool so I am writing from inside the condo we are staying in this morning. The days are warm. The nights have been cool -- kind of like it is back home. We will be back in Puerto Vallarta this weekend and will meet up with our daughter Hannah and her guy, Jason.
I am truly looking forward to having our little family together for a few days.

There are several things that I really like about this week's lectionary reading -- none of which really deal with the theology of Jesus, but rather give us some simple insights into living.
Here's the gospel reading.

And here is my take on the interaction between (the risen) Jesus and his friends:
Jesus's friends were confused and hurting by both his death and resurrection which they didn't understand, so he just decided to show up for them. That's an example of how we should be for our friends that are hurting from a loss, are suffering some kind of trauma, or just need a friend -- just show up.
In the verses preceding this, the disciples are talking about him and then -- there he is, a perfectly timed appearance!

Another thing I love -- have a meal with your friends!
And here's the thing -- you don't have to wait for your friends to invite you. You can be the one to initiate it.
Jesus: So..., you guys got anything to eat?

I think that sharing a meal with people you like is a precious way to spend time.
Even as I write that, I know that I am rarely to one to take such an initiative. Truthfully, there isn't a time that I am sitting on the deck, smoking a cigar, sipping a tequila, bourbon, or iced tea -- and I think to myself, "I should call ______ and see if they want to go to breakfast or lunch."
I enjoy meeting over a meal.
I kind of suck at planning for it.
I should work on that.
Maybe you should, too.

Is there somebody that would benefit from your presence today?
Why not just show up for them?
While physical presence might be the best way, there isn't anything wrong with a text or brief call to let somebody know that you are thinking of them and are available if they need you.

If there is somebody that you need to spend a little more time with -- invite them over or out to coffee, a beer, or a meal. You will both be better for it.
And you might as well share a hug while you're at it!


That might be my new life motto!


1 comment:

Mike said...

"or out to" Ted Drews!