Tuesday, January 01, 2019

I Resolve to Evolve

Yeah, sure there are things that I need to do -- old habits that need to be set aside and new routines that need to be established. It's weird that we can pick a date on a calendar that inspires us to get started on those things that we just as easily could have started any day last month or last year.

None the less, that day is today and is as good a day as any to resolve to do better in the coming year. Here are a few things that I hope to improve on:

     First are the normal better health resolutions -- more exercise, better diet, lose weight, yada, yada.
If you want to follow my progress on those, go to my other blog -- Healthy Living (by an unhealthy guy)

     Then there are the self improvement/be a better person sort of things.
In problem solving we are often told to look at the big picture. I think I need to spend more time paying attention to the little things --
the little things at home and in my marriage; taking better care of Chris and our household.
the little things in my extended family; paying attention to the achievements and the hurts of others.
the little things in our environment (doing my small part),
the little things in our community and the people that seem to get lost in the big picture.

I really don't know how any of this will look in 2019. I just get the sense that I need to be a better me. I need to listen more and talk less. I need to see more of what is going on around me. I need to do more for others.

It's not like I think the John of January 1, 2019 sucks or is a terrible person, but the truth is -- he isn't that great of a guy, either. So my simple resolution for 2019 is to grow. I resolve to evolve.

What's yours?

John <><

1 comment:

Mike said...

You're one in seven billion John. Don't forget, there are billions of versions of normal.