Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday Meditation

I am back at Estaciòn Cafè for my morning coffee. It may be my last morning here for several months as I leave for home tomorrow morning. It's difficult to believe that it has been four weeks already! I spent most of yesterday lounging on the beach and soaking up the sunshine. By the time I get home tomorrow night the temperature will be below freezing and will remain below freezing for about three days!

Such thoughts are not beneficial for peaceful meditation. 
Stay in the moment, John. 
It's warm
It's relatively quiet
You have your Americano while seated in an outdoor cafe in Puerto Vallarta.
Life is good.

Earlier I was watching a parakeet in the tops of one of the nearby trees and was looking for its mate as they are generally in pairs. I just saw them side by side on a utility wire. Their pale and dark green colors camouflage them well in the trees. It was their noisy chatter that drew my attention in the first place.
I am looking forward to being able to have my morning coffee outside on our deck, but I'm sure it will be several weeks before that becomes my regular habit, once again.

Today is my last day here. 
I am going to enjoy it.
Tomorrow will be spent in airports and on airplanes. 


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