Sunday, January 12, 2025

Finding Joy

Sometimes it is difficult to live in the moment and find joy in life when it isn't a particularly joyous moment. After a couple of days of exposure to people and the winter bugs they carry with them, I have spent most of this past week feeling pretty poorly.
At least I was able to feel poorly in a warm house with all of the comforts of home surrounding me, including a medicine cabinet with cold and flu meds and fever reducing NSAIDs.

My new year's streak of exercise days came to a sudden halt, as I have been very inactive for the past few days. On the plus side, I haven't had much of an appetite either, so I have managed to lose a few pounds this week. I wouldn't recommend it as a weight loss plan, but I'm not going to let this side benefit go unappreciated. I need to eat like I'm sick more often.

Yesterday (day 4) felt like day one with just a runny nose and cough and I felt like I was finally getting over it. This morning I feel much better.

The thing is this -- at some point I have to recognize and appreciate just how incredibly privileged I am. 
Very few people have the opportunity to manage risk exposure during this cold and flu season. Most people have to go to work or school or maybe they are unemployed and looking for work or un-housed and gathering in warming shelters.
I have a choice.

I suppose I need to admit that I've gotten careless. I should wear a mask more often in situations where I am exposed to airborne microbes that can make me sick -- especially with an upcoming trip planned. 

Being able to stay at home when there is 6" (15.24cm) of fresh snow on the ground and the temperature is well below freezing is quite nice. The simple pleasure of my morning coffee by the fireplace would be considered quite the luxury by many people. 

I do hope that you manage to stay healthy during this winter season. And I hope that you can always find joy in your circumstance. 


1 comment:

Mike said...

I didn't know you were looking for my cousin. Joy lives on the West coast somewhere.