Monday, December 30, 2024

Moving Meditation

Not all meditation happens at rest. Runners, cyclists, walkers, and others can effectively meditate while the body is active. Labyrinth walking is a well known and widely practiced moving meditation. Yoga, though not usually thought of as meditation, is another common mindful practice. 

I mention this because yesterday I decided not to wait until Wednesday (Jan 1) to begin trying to establish the habit of daily exercise. I started out on a short walk (2 miles, 3.2 km) with the idea of listening to music as I walked, but soon decided against that and opted for listening to the sounds around me.  Music is a good choice when you need to block out distracting noises, but rural walking is pretty peaceful. I was wishing that I would have brought my mala to help me focus on mindful meditation. I'll need to remember that in the future. 

The coming bout of cold weather in the Midwest isn't going to be the best time to start walking, but I can either dress for it or I can utilize the exercise cycle or treadmill in the basement to get my daily exercise. Mid-January to mid-February will not be a problem as I will be in the tropics and getting plenty of walking time. In fact, I probably need the next two weeks to prepare for the amount of walking I'll be doing there. 
Today will be warm enough to be walking outside. Tomorrow we begin colder temps. I think many of the days will be cool, but okay to be out in. Most of the nights are going to be cold. It's just January in the Ozarks.

Enjoy the final days of 2024.


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