Thursday, November 23, 2017

Nov 23rd; Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States.
You will see and hear many things for which people are thankful.
While it is good to have such a day set aside, we should give thanks on a much more regular basis. Some time ago, I started a post label -- Thursdays are for thanksgiving. I think I'll try to get back to that.

In the mean time...
It was the day before Thanksgiving last year when we got the results of Chris' biopsy.
Breast cancer.
It has been quite the year since.
Surgery the week before Christmas. Long recovery. Chemo. Recovery. Reconstruction. Recovery.

Almost a year later and she is cancer free.
And we are thankful.
Life is a little different. And in some ways, it will always be.
But we are thankful.

It's funny how little things like a dinner out or a funny comment can become a great moment. It's too bad it took cancer to help me see the value of everyday moments. I hope you're not waiting such a thing to be thankful for the simple things of life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

John <><


allenwoodhaven said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I appreciate the little things in life. They are important and more abundant.

Mike said...

HTG back at you!