Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A Novel Approach...

November is National Novel Writing Month.

Many writers' clubs and groups encourage setting a daily word goal in order to write a novel (at least a rough draft) during the coming month. I don't think that I'm going to hammer out a novel in the the next thirty days, but I do plan on writing a little bit every day.

During the many miles on the highway while on my long ride this past summer, a couple of ideas went through my head and managed to find a place to settle in. They are rough and undeveloped, but will serve as a place to begin. If nothing else, I'll end up with an unfinished tale and several hours that I managed to stay out of trouble. If we have some decent weather days, I'll probably manage to burn a few cigars as I write.

November has also been the traditional month for bloggers to post every day. I've done that in the past and will try to find something interesting to post on a daily basis during the coming thirty days. One Facebook theme is to post something for which I am thankful every day. That probably works better for Facebook than on a blog. There are 30 writing prompt lists that are available, but I think I can manage without a daily prompt.

I can't say that I'm much of a goal setting kind of guy, but I do look at numbers and things and occasionally get in a personal record contest with my past self.
For example: This is my 138th post of the year. Last year (2016) was my record year with 181 posts. I will need to step up my posting for the remaining 61 days of 2017 if I am going to have another record posting year. Writing every day in November would surely help.

It sounds as if I'll be spending considerable time with my keyboard in the coming days...

John <><


eViL pOp TaRt said...

I am looking forward to reading what you wrote, John!

Mike said...

You're going to need someone to proof read for you. I volunteer .... Angel and Bilbo to help you.

Bilbo said...

Now I have to try to sit by big wide backside down and start writing, too. If you need a proofreader, don't listen to Mike ... my friend Gonzo Dave is a professional.