Thursday, January 07, 2016

Mild Winter Weather -- I like it!

It is still weird that I don't pay much attention to what day it is. It's been almost a year since I've been retired and the only thing that really helps me keep track of what day it is, is that Chris is still working!
When she hangs it up, I'm going to be a real mess as far as knowing what day it is.

The reason I mention that is because it is Thursday and I have almost missed another Thursdays are for thanksgiving post!

I am really thankful for the mild winter weather that we have been having. Today was wet and raining and I was out walking in the drizzle and light rain, but it was several degrees above the freezing point and as I am fond of saying -- You don't have to shovel rain.

I do have to admit -- I have a dark side that wouldn't mind seeing a nice snowfall.
Not because I like the snow, but because I don't have to get out in it! I guess it would be better if it snowed when Chris is off, too.
I could live with a cold snowy winter. It would give me more ammunition for moving to a warmer climate.

But for the most part, I really am enjoying the mild winter. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the low 50s. Saturday is supposed to have rain turning to snow, but I'm thinking that there will be little accumulation.

If it is going to get snowy and icy, the last week of January would be a good time for that as we will be enjoying the beaches of Mexico. I'm really not wishing poor weather for those of you that are still here in the Ozarks. I'm just saying that would work if it came to being able to pick a week...

Be thankful!

John <><


Kevin Gilmore said...

I too am having the same issue with not being aware of the day of the week and having to occasionally stop to think about it for a moment if I really need to know. It's a nice problem to have.

We were having an Oklahoma winter here in Minnesota up until 2 weeks ago when some cooler air finally settled in. The mountain bike trails have a nice snowpack so I'm not complaining because a winter without riding my fat-tire bike in the snow is not what I want.

Mike said...

When you're retired, everyday is Saturday.