Monday, October 19, 2020

The Ambassador

I've been thinking about that Disney Princess Theology that I wrote about last week and how I see myself in the stores of the bible. But more than that, I've been trying to use that to shift my perspective in the real life stories as well.

During our current President's term, much has been made of the evangelicals endorsement, adoration, even worship of Donald Trump. He's been called God's chosen one (by himself and others). Exvangelcals (like myself) have railed against such comparisons and against those making them. Many outspoken critics have opined that such hypocrisies are the reason than many are leaving the church and are in search of another god or at least in search of a place that sees God more along the lines that they perceive the God of the bible to be.

But what happens when I stop looking at others in judgment and turn a critical eye towards myself?
What do people think when they judge God by my thoughts, words, and deeds?
If you were God, would you want me representing you?

It's a little funny how each time I sort of accept that maybe I'm not really cut out for (or called to) that preaching thing, I get another call or opportunity to do it just one more time. In an honest assessment of myself, I'm not really much of a preacher/teacher. I have no formal education, nor do I have any training for such an undertaking. I'm basically just a storyteller with a platform. 
But let's be honest -- people love stories!
And people learn from stories. 
Maybe that's why Jesus taught by telling stories as much as he taught by personal example.

I really need to be more concerned with how people perceive God when they look at God through the lens of John. I've heard (both directly and indirectly) some of their perceptions of me and those don't bother me too much -- even the ones that are very wrong. 
However, I would be greatly troubled if they saw God as an angry, judgmental, waiting to condemn them for every minor violation of The Law kind of being rather than as the loving, merciful, and understanding being that I know.

If we are Ambassadors to the Kingdom, how well are we representing the God we worship?
Maybe it's time for a little personal assessment -- without the Disney Princess Theology.


1 comment:

Mike said...

"...if they saw God as an angry, judgmental, waiting to condemn them for every minor violation..."
There are too many of these types around. I think they are looking for violators of anything to make themselves feel better.