Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Rockin' the retired life!

Yesterday I spent a few hours moving 1.25 tons of gravel. It's only about 1/4th or 1/5th of what we'll end up getting but what the small trailer we borrowed can safely haul. We'll get another load this morning and I'll be listening to the Cardinal's day game on the radio this afternoon as I move another ton+ into the flower beds.
I tried to talk Chris into going to St. Louis to watch the game, but she doesn't have the same enthusiasm for baseball that I have. I even promised her a stop at Ted Drewe's and White Castle!
I guess she'd rather get her flower beds filled.
No worries. The Cardinals have another day game next week! (Actually, I'm thinking Springfield Cardinals' day game on Monday, followed by a nice motorcycle ride and a St. Louis Cardinals' day game on Tuesday!)

I was going to begin (again) a new regular exercise routine for May, but I'm giving myself a pass on the days I move rock. Although moving a ton of rock isn't a killer workout, it is more than I have been doing and gets me some good physical work for the day.

More on rockin' the retired life...
I received my latest order from Amazon yesterday -- two hammocks for the backyard!
After moving rock today, I'll be looking for a good place to hang them and then I'll be able to enjoy summer afternoons rocking in my hammock after my daily exercise ... or before my exercise ... or while thinking about exercising.

Retirement is brutal!

John <><


Mike said...

But in retirement you can turn a one day project into a two week project. And then get to talk about how busy you are.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

It sounds like a great life; go for it!