Monday, March 12, 2018

Be Nice Day

Another Monday.

The calendar shows Monday as the second day of the week, but I think that most of us would agree that it is the really the first day -- at least the first day that really counts. It is the day used to mark the beginning of the work week, the school week, a new project or goal, etc. It is the day we use to create a fresh start on an old goal or project.

Last night I was at a small Baptist church with a small group of retired people. We talked about our walk with Jesus and the struggles that we face. We talked about the things that cause us to worry and the the things that bring stress into life. We talked about how getting away from Jesus can lead us to more worry and how staying close to him can bring us more peace.

It's funny how some people worry more as they age and others worry less. Some people seem to fear aging and the trials it brings and others embrace it and its privileges -- like napping whenever you want.

As a retired person and a follower of Jesus, my greatest challenge remains my self-imposed isolation. It's pretty hard to be faithful in sharing God's love with others when you never really interact with others. On most days, this writing/blogging thing is as close as I come to interacting with others and sharing some thoughts...and most of those are some pretty incoherent and random thoughts that have nothing to do with life, death and eternity.
We talked about our life's legacy and how we will be remembered. I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to be remembered as the person that was always worrying about the future or feeling guilty about the past. It would be nice to be remembered in the positive ways that people remember Rev. Billy Graham or the friend I wrote about last week. But that takes a daily commitment to living a life worthy of such memories.

I don't know what people might remember about me. Probably something like ...
"I think he just rode he just rode his motorcycle and wrote on that stupid blog of his after he retired."
"Nobody ever really saw him after a while."
"I quit following him because he was always so opinionated."

Maybe I should care more about those things.
It would be cool if people remembered me for introducing them to Jesus or helping them through some tough times. I don't really care if anyone thinks of me as a great preacher or amazing magician, but it would be nice if something I said or did along the way had a positive impact on one or two people. Over the years, I'd say that I've probably offended more people than anyone has a right to offend and I doubt that I can make up for that. These days, I seem to do that more naturally and without even trying. Disagreeing doesn't have to be the same as being offensive but that seems to be the shift in our current social climate.

I'm giving myself a simple task for the day; a one item To Do list...

Be nice.

Not "be nice" to one person.
Not do something nice.
But nice as in don't be not-nice
...all day!

Being alone is not being nice. It's just being alone.
Be nice implies doing.
Okay, so maybe it's not such a simple task, but it's doable.
I think.

Anyone want to join me?
It's just one day.
One Monday in March when we decide to be nice.
Let's do it!

John <><


Mike said...

If we never leave the house today we can be really nice.

AuntieAllyn said...

I’m in! Who knows, one day could stretch into two days in a row,

allenwoodhaven said...

This should be an internationally celebrated day. It also shouldn't be only one day a year, but let's start out slowly and build.

We often never know what effect our presence in others' lives brings but it can be profound. Don't discount your importance in influencing people you've met, however briefly. I don't know you well, but I'd bet that it's been good for those who've known you.