Saturday, November 23, 2013

What's your story?

We all have a story.
We all are a story.
We are a making of all of the things in our past.
Sometimes we have to move beyond our past.
Sometimes we have to embrace our past.

I don't think that we should ever really hope to forget our past. It is what has made us what we are. To forget those experiences, even the bad ones, gives us less information to understand the person that we have become.

At the revival service tonight, a young man is coming to share his testimony. He is a reformed drug addict. I am looking forward to hearing how his relationship with Jesus has changed his life. But I also want people to know that you don't have to have a "saved from drugs/alcohol/prison" kind of testimony to tell people about what God has done for you.

We all have a story.
Your favorite salvation story should be your own.
Tell your story. It's the only one that you have.

Some people think that if they grew up knowing Jesus, they have a boring story to tell.
Not true!
What a wonderful story to be able to say that your family has a heritage of following Jesus. So many people grow up in families that simply don't know God or have made the choice to walk through life on their own. So many have pasts that they would rather forget. So many are living lives that are filled with guilt and shame from their pasts.

Please, share your story of blessing!

People need to hear how God has blessed you. He blessed you so that you could bless others with your story. You owe it to HIM to share your story.

I know that I write often about telling your story.
It's important.

People need to know that they (like you) can have a personal relationship with God through his son,  Jesus.

John <><

1 comment:

eViL pOp TaRt said...

We should all remember and appreciate our blessings!