Sunday, May 20, 2018

Be the Church Day

Today is the day that The Venues dismisses its regular church services so that those who attend church can be the church. The annual event is called Venuespalooza and the church partners with a couple dozen local agencies to serve the community in various projects.
Chris and I will be working with a group to clean the public area at the Crighton Access to the James River.

There will be several hundred people of all ages working together to share God's love with our community.
Pretty cool, huh?

Even though the event is a once a year deal, being the Church is a regular part of The Venues as it has several regular projects where its people serve others in the community.

The two slogans you'll see on the website are:
Following Jesus. Asking Questions. Loving People.
A world where every life is driven by love.

These aren't just catchy sayings that are repeated to sound good. They are statements that identify this gathering of believers as genuine followers of Jesus. They gather together to worship and celebrate, but they also disperse to be the hands, feet, and heart of God as they feed the poor and serve the homeless. It is a gathering of followers that is very different from the "country club" churches that I've grown accustomed to -- the churches more interested in serving its members than reaching out to the community.

For today, don't just tell someone that God loves them. Why not take it a step further and show them God's love?

Be the Church!

John <><


Mike said...

"We are all-inclusive in every aspect, accepting and affirming of the LGBTQ+ community."

I guess no one from your old church will be there? Or if there are you have to promise not to tell on them.

John A Hill said...

Actually, a young woman from my old church is on the church staff!