Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Raindrops on roses...

One of my recent gratitude prompts asked, "What makes you happy?" or "When are you happiest?" or something like that.

I've been thinking about that.
I'm mostly a pretty content guy that isn't really sure about how to best define being happy. I enjoy nice afternoons sitting on the deck (like now), but I don't know if I would say it makes me happy. I'd say that what I feel is contentment.

I enjoy a good cigar, a good bourbon or tequila, and I enjoy sharing those things with others that also enjoy them. I don't think I'd say they make me happy.
I like working in the garden or at least I recognize that working in the garden is necessary to be able to enjoy the flowers later in the year. I do enjoy watching the butterflies and hummingbirds at the beautiful flowers.
Again, I don't know if I'd describe that as being happy.

Being together as a family or just getting to spend time with the kids makes me happy. I am really looking forward to getting together in Mexico in a few weeks.
I'd also say that getting together with members of my birth family also makes me happy.

It's weird.
I certainly am not a sad person. In fact, I am generally pretty upbeat and positive. I'm just not sure that happy is the best way to describe myself. 

How about you?
What makes you happy?



Anonymous said...

I understand completely. I enjoy working horses but I don't really ride for the sheer enjoyment. I'm working the horse to get the most out of him, pushing him to be better each time. "Happy" probably doesn't describe me either, John. But in retrospect, as I learn more about myself I'm certainly more satisfied with where I am in life than where I was several years ago. That's a good thing.

DB Stewart said...

All of your examples (and many others) make me happy; for me, it's not getting there, it's staying there.