Monday, March 25, 2024

More Reflections on Religion

I often have thoughts of my former life as a Southern Baptist evangelist and the way that I once shared the beliefs that I held. Facebook memories and conversations around religious deconstruction bring the past back into my thoughts, often with mixed feelings.
Magic was a good way to share my beliefs back then, and there were always plenty of opportunities to do that. That really isn't the case today and so magic has become a thing of the past. My magic persona was built around evangelism (hence the moniker - magicianary) and if I were to take it up again, I'd need to be a new type and style of magician.

While I do consider my religious and spiritual growth/evolution from time to time, I seldom organize those thoughts to write about it or to discuss it at length. 
It now looks like I will have the opportunity to write about and share some of the benefits and trauma of making changes in how I perceive God, Jesus, the Bible, and a host of other sacred subjects. I think I am looking forward to that and writing about the how and why some of my thoughts and perspectives have changed, as well. 
It will be a project that will take place over the next couple of months and I'll share more about it as the resource becomes public and available for everyone. For now, it is time to organize my thoughts into something that will make sense in written form.
Wish me luck.


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