Monday, March 04, 2024

Monday Meditation: finding my place

Since my retirement I have become a pretty non-productive member of society. I've come to terms with that and am okay with it. A good pension, a little retirement savings, and Social Security have put me in a comfortable retirement place. I no longer have to produce anything in the way of product nor service to barter for food, housing, or necessities of life.
I am still a consumer. I still contribute to society by paying for those things. I just don't have to do the work part anymore.

Last week I spent some time talking with a friend of mine. It was a guy that I really enjoy spending time with. It's weird that I know there are people that I get so much benefit from just being in their presence, and yet I never really think that I might be that person for someone else.
Recent comments from others along with some recent interactions are starting to make me aware that it may actually be the case and I'm processing how I feel about it. It seems like a pretty big responsibility.

Maybe my current and future contributions to society will be simple like growing flowers for birds, bees, and butterflies. Maybe I'll find myself just being present and sharing some positive energy with others from time to time. I'm really too lazy and too unskilled to do much else at this point in life. I know several other retired air traffic controllers that are doing jobs, starting businesses, investing in income producing hobbies, and otherwise being productive members of society.
I'm just sitting on my deck drinking coffee and sharing the futon with Groucho the cat.
And I'm okay with that.

I planted some spring bulbs yesterday and hope to start some more seeds in pots today. That's my productivity schedule for the day.
Oh! And I need to do some laundry. That would be good.

Are you where you want to be in life?
Or in a place that will get you there?
For better or worse, I am content.


1 comment:

Mike said...

"Are you where you want to be in life?"
I'm still here. And that's a good thing.