Saturday, July 02, 2022

Morning Work

I'm a slow starter in the mornings.
I like my quiet time and coffee.
I generally scroll through a little social media, read a few blogs, read a little of a  book or two, and just sit for a bit while I enjoy my morning coffee.
I tend to put off the morning's chores for as long as I can. 

The downside is that it gets pretty warm pretty quickly in July and that can be tough on an old, fat guy. Fortunately, I have no problem with taking breaks as I need them or knocking off earlier than originally planned.
I did get a couple of crepe myrtles in the ground yesterday and have two more to plant today. I also have a small maple tree to plant from pot to ground. It doesn't sound like much, but digging three tree holes in this hard rocky soil will pretty much do me in for the day. I need to spread a little mulch in one of the landscape areas and should be able to get that done, as well. 
And if not today, there is always tomorrow.

I find that working in the yard, watering plants, planting trees, etc., has a way of connecting me to the earth and to The Creator. A big part of what disturbs me about the SCOTUS ruling concerning the EPA is how it ignores the symbiotic relationship we have with the planet and allows those that can't see beyond their own immediate monetary gains to continue to destroy what is left of our environment. 
We have to do better. We have to take care of the earth for the future generations of humanity. 


It's time to plant a tree (or two).


1 comment:

Mike said...

Morning and work are two words that don't go together anymore.