Sunday, July 03, 2022

The Fourth of July and Circling Back Nearly 250 Years

I'm not going to lie--this year's Fourth of July celebration doesn't have the usual "Love my country" vibe that it once had. 
I wonder what those early Americans that revolted against taxation without representation, nation religion, and government by monarchy would think of our current USA where the richest get the tax breaks and the Highest Court of the land imposes religious standards to our laws as we move closer to an authoritarian government.
I am not without hope. I'm just not lovin' what we're doing right now.

We'll have a few friends over for a cookout tomorrow and we'll watch the neighbor's better than most small rural towns' fireworks display, but I'm not sure I'd call it celebrating.
Don't get me wrong. I am happy for the freedoms we have, but I really believe that we've moved to a society that is far more concerned with individual personal freedoms than with what is best for all of us.
When did we become so damned selfish?

I know there are plenty of people that don't agree with my simple way of thinking, but I really don't think that the striving-for-more lifestyle is all it's cracked up to be. We're pretty comfortable, but our cars are older, we live in a modest home in a small rural community, and we watch our budget like most people.
I enjoy the peace and stress free life of enjoying the modest privilege that is mine more than needing to have more. I certainly don't feel like taking away from others is going to elevate my position in society.


Sorry to be a downer on the holiday weekend.
Enjoy your families and friends and your time together. Eat food, drink responsibly, and have fun blowing shit up.
I'll probably be more contemplative about how we can protect the freedoms that we appear to be losing.


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