Thursday, March 14, 2019

Where is your safe place?

I've been thinking about this lately.

Social media is a fake place. People show their best -- their best photos, best food, best adventures. Sure, we all have those few friends that constantly post their trials and complain about things, but most of us tend to ignore them or unfollow them. We tell ourselves, "Nobody wants to hear their problems," and so we keep ours to ourselves. It would be a very rare occasion that the masses on any social media platform would come together to encourage or comfort someone in need. Keyboard anonymity has a way of bringing out the worst in us.

Churches aren't much better. We come together on a regular basis to meet with people that we probably wouldn't meet with for any other reason. We put on our "everything is great" faces and act like our marriages are fine (when they're not), our lives are great (even if we can barely keep it together), and pretend that we don't struggle with depression, anxiety, or some addiction.
We may share some health concerns or ask for a job search to be added to the church prayer list, but we keep the big secrets to ourselves.

Whether it's the judgment of social media, the judgment of well meaning church people, or just the judgment of a few friends -- we tend to avoid opening ourselves to that judgment by putting on the "everything is great" mask and pretending that it really is.

So where is your safe place?
Or who are your safe people?

A friend once told me that everyone needs to have a counselor/therapist -- somebody that they meet with on a regular basis and can freely vent about everything that is bothering them.
Is that what we've come to? Are we a society that has to pay a stranger to listen to our problems because we are too afraid to share them with people close to us? Are we that competitive that we use others weakness to make ourselves look better or feel better?

I used to have an anonymous blog that I would write whenever I just needed to freely vent. I abandoned it several years ago. Today I am better at just letting go of things or finding comfort and peace in solitude. I know that doesn't work for most people.

Is your safe place a person, a friend?
Is it a practice, like prayer, meditation, yoga, labyrinth walking, or going for a long motorcycle ride?
Or are you the rare person that doesn't really feel the need for a safe place because you are that comfortable with who you are and pay no attention to what others might think?

Just wondering...

John <><


John A Hill said...

It occurred to me that pets often serve as quiet counselors. They can sense our feelings and give us comfort when we are stressed or feeling alone and isolated.

Cloudia said...

Pets are our teachers. I try to be authentic on social media and everywhere. My mission is to vibrate to a higher truth and to pass around the uplift. . . . Thank You

Come look at my site:

Mike said...

You can always talk to your dog without fear of judgment.

Cherie said...

Sir John, you know one thing I am grateful about is that we still managed to somehow stay in touch. I remember how we met back in my old Blogger account, which funnily still exists up to this day. Had I not been connected with you on Facebook, I might then have lost totally in touch with you.

It's true that most people show their best side on social media platforms. Perhaps it has something to do with being connected with a relative or friends whom they know won't appreciate a not-so-positive or best tone. I have read an article in one online publishing platform where the woman admitted about her depression which was viewed 1000 times, and only 2 reached out to her. That made her feel even worse...

I wish to answer your question, my safe place is God. One reason I gave up sharing not-so-good matters to people is that they have a tendency to be I found that it's better to just keep it within myself and God. With God, I won't feel any rejection. With God, I won't feel any judgment.

I'll stop here. :-)